Monday, June 11, 2012

Farewell...For Now

It’s time for this all to come to an end, I’m afraid.

At least, for the next couple of weeks.

I think that after working on this film for about two months, I am suitably sick of it. I have had my fill of editing, storyline, actors and dialogue. I need a break away from this thing before I can even consider bettering it.

Now, let’s go over the things that I have learned and/or am pleased with.

I learned that recording sound separately from the video betters a film considerably. (Especially when one is using a camera one’s grandmother bought from an infomercial.) Also, I learned that having a set script is much better when wanting to switch up some scenes of characters talking, in which dialogue is imperative to storyline. I also learned that editing takes forever and should be given more time than the actual filming process. I learned about where to find special effects online for free. And where to find sound.

I think that this film brought on a huge learning curve about sound, which was incredibly unexpected. I had set out to make a film and explore some special effects components. Instead, I got this huge battle with sound. It was epic. I made a playlist for it. I think that I finally understand the importance of sound in a quality film. I had heard the concept repeatedly, and as a viewer understood, but as a filmmaker, I really get it now. Sound is half of the film. No question about it.

Another unexpected happenstance was the lack of special effects that I actually put in. Partly due to a lack of time but mostly because I enjoyed the acting way too much. My friends are actually good actors. And they gave something extra to the story that I hadn’t anticipated. I no longer want to distract from their performances. I am quite happy to let them garner so much attention. Kudos, guys!

Things that I intend to change are abundant. I would like to fix the timing a little bit more in one of the beginning scenes. Also, I want to add another special effect in, just to communicate the proper emotion and events in the story. I might even explore a bit more of an abstract approach to this. I’ve found abstract to be easier since the them is: there’s a method to madness. I love that idea. It gives me room to put in some random symbolic shots, which I love. I might tweak the sound just a bit more. I actually have some audio software that would be beneficial to what I consider half of my film. I want to tweak some of my timing especially. I’m not sure that the words completely match up and some of the cuts seem a little fast to me.

The general implication is that: no, I am not completely satisfied with the end product. However, I let’s chalk that up to my desperate need for perfection. In the great words of one of my friends “there is always something more to be done in the editing process, we just have to reach that point where we say ‘I’m done’ and return to normal society.”

I intend to come back to this project after a couple of weeks. But for now, I’m pretty satisfied with the end product.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Editing 101

I've actually learned something. Sound matters.

I've never actually really seen how much it can matter. But it is actually super important! Especially when the dialogue is imperative to the storyline. Honestly, I kind of prefer more abstract films...mainly because editing can be easier. Honestly, it's better to record a separate audio and a separate video. Instead of trying to do them both at once. I wish I had done that.

I find that the audio that has been recorded with the video doesn't completely match up. Which is very weird because I haven't even moved it yet. One of my actors has a odd facial movements. His words don't match his mouth. *Frustration*

I am cutting up the scenes together though. I've found that it is of the utmost importance that I don't just cut between angles and scenes super quickly. Unless, I'm doing it for dramatic purposes. At the very least, a clip needs to be shown for at least a full second in order for anybody to even register what's going on.

I've finished another scene. Yay! It was easier to cut together because of the limit of characters dialogue and movement. This scene isn't full of symbolism and subtleties like the last one.

Now, I'm entering the scenes where Alex is stuck in the cave and Elle is outside. Editing should be much easier now. Although I won't solely focus on characters' faces when they're speaking because a lot more can be found in my actors expressions. Particularly in the intense moments.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Keep Calm and Keep Editing

Again with the editing updates. I've finished my second scene so the apocalypse stuff will start soon. I guess it's a little sensitive in the beginning. It'll be better once I add fire and stuff. It's more dramatic.

On another note, I'm really hungry. For some reason, editing the footage brings me back to the memory of filming in flashback form. I was very hungry when we were filming, like starving. And we had to film in a kitchen. My stomach is actually giving sympathy pains to a past event. What is that?

I've finally worked out a sound system. I've separated my audio and video. When I need a long clip to render, I break it up into smaller bits of footage. These take less time to render. It's nice.

I've finished the second scene and a little bit of the third. I'm about halfway done. Great, now I'm singing Bon Jovi in my head.

I'm finding that the ability to tweak my audio is my saviour. I found some unwanted sounds and also sounds that weren't loud enough. Luckily, I adjusted the levels and now it sounds way better. Yay!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Marriage is Falling Apart

Another editing update. I think my life with this film has reached a level of mediocrity. I feel like I'm married to my film and right now we're both middle aged and our lives revolve around our kids and soccer practices and clarinet lessons. (Our kids are the scenes that I'm doing.)

This film doesn't feel like the film I married. I remember when we were truly in love. It was just starting. my ideas were flowing. And then we had our filming day. And everything was still going so well. I thought that we would last forever. But now, my relationship with my film is solely based on the scenes and I feel like we don't know each other anymore. Maybe we should go to counselling. Or we'll just reconnect during our retirement.

Ever notice how marriage can be an analogy for almost anything?

So, I'm still editing. Less rendering to do. though. Since this is like my third editing post, I though I'd make it more entertaining with a marriage analogy. Otherwise, even I would be bored.

Hopefully, we can get through this rough patch and once again fall in love. And then editing will stop killing me. I hope.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Girl Dies from Editing!

The title says it all. But I'm not just talking about today's editing session. Yesterday, I was editing all day on a different film. Then yesterday evening, some friends came over and we edited our video for our presentation in class today. And now, I'm editing again. I've essentially spent the last 24 hours editing. I think that I have the right to complain. At least a little.

In other news, I've finished the opening scene. Mostly. There's still a bit of audio iffiness but I needed to move onto a new scene. I wish that I could be moving further along but Final Cut Express requires rendering before I can really do anything.

Note: Hey Ocean! is a good band to listen to while waiting for clips to render. Or maybe it's just me.

Also, I've found that breaking up a bunch of clips before rendering helps a lot with time. I'm not even cutting the clips out yet, they're just broken up and therefore easier to render.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Editing is Slowly Killing Me

I'm still in editing mode. And it is not fun. It's like a constant battle of render and edit, render and edit, render and edit, edit and render, render, edit, render, edit....BAM! My brain explodes!

Basically, I'm just playing around with the shots. And losing my sanity. Slowly but surely. No big deal.

I'm finishing up my work on the beginning scene. Syncing audio and video is a real b-i-t-c-h. It's driving me crazy. Especially considering that most of my good shots doesn't have good audio. And there's this little rough patch of them closing the door. GRRR!!!

Anyway, I'm still working on basic editing. But I should be done by next week. I'll add my special effects and then it'll be all good.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rendering: the Latest Time Waster

I haven't even finished everything that I'm going to be doing today. But I'm updating now anyways. 

 I'm updating now because, well, I'm bored. I've been editing and the only way that i can check up on what I've done is to render it. For those of you that don't know, rendering your video on Final Cut is essentially writing the actual video. And you can't watch your newly edited selection without rendering. Unfortunately, rendering can take a while. Right now, I have to wait 15 minutes before I can play around again. It feels very tedious.

I know, 15 minutes probably isn't that long to wait but i have a short attention span. Just like the rest of my generation. I demand constant entertainment. Also, I have this horrible sense that time is slipping away from me. This of course is ridiculous. 

Actually, it's not. After all, Albert Einstein did disprove Newton's theory that time is constant and linear with his special relativity theory. So maybe, according to my personal time, time actually is slipping away from me. 

...We're studying Einstein's Theory of Relativity in Physics class right now. Hence the completely unrelated deviation to Science.

Back to film stuff!

In other news, I finished my filming! All of my shots actually look quite good. My actors did really well and I'm quite pleased. Unfortunately, we were filming yesterday, in the pouring rain. That reminds me, I need to buy them dinner for helping me...

**Tip for filming in miserable weather: have very positive actors. And towels. Lots of towels. Also, a quick method of transportation is key. We biked because cars stay dirty for longer...and none of us can drive without an adult.**

So, I've just been putting my clips together, mainly trying to get a good variety of angles as well. After I put everything together, then I'll put the special effects in.

Rendering's done!! Back to editing!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fantastical Newborn Discovery of Epic Proportions

I found something new! And it's magical!
I found a website where you can download free special effects! YAY! Isn't that exciting? I feel like I've stumbled upon the door to Narnia! 

These effects are free to download and can be used in Final Cut Express. Unfortunately, they do not come with sound. But they are free. I think it balances out. I've put the link in my side bar but I've also copied and pasted it at the bottom of this entry. I've already downloaded a couple of the effects and I haven't contracted any sort of STI of the internet so I think that it's safe. Basically, the website is made to supply people with free effects. Clearly this website was sent to make me happy. And it's doing a fantastic job!

Today, I've basically been exploring all of the effects that I can use. It helps to be aware of what I can add into my video before filming day. (Film day is on Monday, by the way.) That way I can relax about adding these things in on the actual day of filming. I've found a dust effect, some fire to throw at my characters and I may even add some rain. All in all, it looks to be pretty promising.

Update: Just realized that i forgot to put up the link. Here it is:

Monday, May 14, 2012

Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting ...a Fever

I have some unfortunate news. I know, that's a horrible way to start a post. 

Okay, I was planning my filming day to be on Saturday. I had the script and shot list done and ready. My actors were ready to meet me in the morning. I had my props ready and my camera. 

And then, Friday night, an obstacle arose. I came down with a fever. Now, I am pretty accustomed to getting fevers. I pretty much get them whenever I'm sick. So, when it was Friday night and I had a fever of 39 degrees, I sort of brushed it off. I can still usually function with a fever, maybe not very well, but I felt that I could push myself. However, it got worse. I was up all night tossing and turning and completely delirious. I woke up with a fever of 40.7 degrees. I had slurred speech and I couldn't even walk. So, safe to say, I did not film on Saturday. My fever only broke yesterday so filming was out then as well. 

This week, we have a long weekend. I plan to get my filming done on Friday or Monday. Then I'll have footage ready by the time school restarts. However. I did bring a couple of short clips to experiment on today. They're not pertinent to the actual film but they will give me some practice with final cut.

With the actual film editing underway, posts will become more frequent. I will actually give detail about what I'm doing and the process as a whole. Today, I'll be watching the tutorials. These helpful tutorials are available on my side bar if anyone else wishes to learn.

Now let's see if I covered everything: fever, upcoming filming day and tutorials. Yeah, that's them all covered. Until next time!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Shot List is Done!

So, for those of you well versed in the filming process, you understand what I mean when I say shot list. For the others, here's an explanation:

Essentially, I wrote out the order of which I intend to film my scenes. I've also documented the props that I'll be needing for each scene, as well as the camera angles I intend to use. This is going to be sent to my actors in order to better prepare them for film day.

I also e-mailed my actors the script and the shot list. We'll be starting filming early in the morning. And hopefully I can have my filming done by next week. Then, I shall finally commence the process of editing.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Plot is Done!

I've finally developed my plot! Yay! (Insert applause here.)

 Essentially, my story will be set in the middle of an apocalypse. I will follow the story of two siblings, Alex and Elle. Basically, Alex becomes trapped in a rock fall and Elle has to save him. (Unbeknownst to them, the world is ending and chances are that they would die anyway. But I digress.) Anyway, Elle has to save Alex before he asphyxiates and she spends quite a lot of time running. So, there will be lots of footage of Elle running determinedly while Alex hyperventilates. (Did I mention that he's claustrophobic?) 

*SPOILER ALERT* The end is depressing...because they both die. I dislike happy endings greatly so....yeah.

Basically, I've written my script, my footage will be ready after the weekend and then I can hopefully begin editing/adding special effects.

I know this isn't very long but an update was needed. And also, I haven't done much so there isn't anything to show you. I'd present the script but I don't want to give anything away. That's a lie. I've already stated the plot. I'm just lazy.