Friday, June 1, 2012

Keep Calm and Keep Editing

Again with the editing updates. I've finished my second scene so the apocalypse stuff will start soon. I guess it's a little sensitive in the beginning. It'll be better once I add fire and stuff. It's more dramatic.

On another note, I'm really hungry. For some reason, editing the footage brings me back to the memory of filming in flashback form. I was very hungry when we were filming, like starving. And we had to film in a kitchen. My stomach is actually giving sympathy pains to a past event. What is that?

I've finally worked out a sound system. I've separated my audio and video. When I need a long clip to render, I break it up into smaller bits of footage. These take less time to render. It's nice.

I've finished the second scene and a little bit of the third. I'm about halfway done. Great, now I'm singing Bon Jovi in my head.

I'm finding that the ability to tweak my audio is my saviour. I found some unwanted sounds and also sounds that weren't loud enough. Luckily, I adjusted the levels and now it sounds way better. Yay!

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