Monday, May 28, 2012

Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Girl Dies from Editing!

The title says it all. But I'm not just talking about today's editing session. Yesterday, I was editing all day on a different film. Then yesterday evening, some friends came over and we edited our video for our presentation in class today. And now, I'm editing again. I've essentially spent the last 24 hours editing. I think that I have the right to complain. At least a little.

In other news, I've finished the opening scene. Mostly. There's still a bit of audio iffiness but I needed to move onto a new scene. I wish that I could be moving further along but Final Cut Express requires rendering before I can really do anything.

Note: Hey Ocean! is a good band to listen to while waiting for clips to render. Or maybe it's just me.

Also, I've found that breaking up a bunch of clips before rendering helps a lot with time. I'm not even cutting the clips out yet, they're just broken up and therefore easier to render.

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