Thursday, May 24, 2012

Editing is Slowly Killing Me

I'm still in editing mode. And it is not fun. It's like a constant battle of render and edit, render and edit, render and edit, edit and render, render, edit, render, edit....BAM! My brain explodes!

Basically, I'm just playing around with the shots. And losing my sanity. Slowly but surely. No big deal.

I'm finishing up my work on the beginning scene. Syncing audio and video is a real b-i-t-c-h. It's driving me crazy. Especially considering that most of my good shots doesn't have good audio. And there's this little rough patch of them closing the door. GRRR!!!

Anyway, I'm still working on basic editing. But I should be done by next week. I'll add my special effects and then it'll be all good.

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